Artificial Intelligence

Reduce the barrier to AI transition with our high-quality solutions and expertise, enabling you to quickly unlock the business value of your data, even without AI talents.

What is Auto-ML?

Our Automated Machine Learning Platform (Auto-ML) empowers our clients to solve complex business problems. Auto-ML has the capability to continuously provide you with better output and predictions. Moreover, we offer optimal integration with your systems and can develop tailor-made models to cater to your needs. As our platform can be applied to various use cases across industries, it enables anyone to generate maximum value from their data.

Auto Machine Learning

Adaptable to multi-input and multi-output, flexible architecture that auto generates and optimizes deep neural network models. & Optimizes architecture automatically to achieve best performing model.

End-to-end Machine Learning Platform

Accelerates the process to get production-ready ML models.

  • Train models to take in relevant inputs (data) and further investigate the model training with appropriate visualization and can also be further trained for better consistency.
  • It can be configured for on-premises deployment.
Smooth UX and Intuitive UI

The smooth UX and intuitive UI makes Auto-ML an easy-to-adopt tool which is user-friendly to a wide range of target in terms of technical skills – ranging from less tech-savvy people to data scientists.

Case Studies

As our Auto-ML platform can be deployed across a wide range of industry-specific use cases, we aim to co-create solutions with clients to combine business domain expertise and technology.

Our data scientists and machine learning engineers have developed a range of POCs for clients to prove their AI business cases such as: